"Assignment One" by Rob Maule [Written in Inform 7.] Use full-length room descriptions. [Makes verbose mode standard.] The Outside of the IT Building is a room. "You are outside of the university IT building. You can enter the building to the East." [I figured out that starting a room name with 'outside' doesn't work, but you can do it if you add 'The'.] Front Entrance is a room. It is east of Building. "This is the front entrance. The outside is back to the West. The director's office is North and the back office is East." Director's Office is a dark room. It is north of Front. "This is the office of the director of IT. The front office lies to the South." [A dark room so that you can't read the document without the flashlight.] Back Office is a room. It is east of Front. "This is the back. You can exit West to the front." A desk is here. It is not portable. The description is "The desk has a drawer." [The desk is 'not portable', meaning it can't be picked up.] The drawer is part of the desk. It is an openable closed container. [The drawer also cannot be taken because it is part of the desk. It is also a container, that can be opened, but starts closed.] A flashlight is in the drawer. It is lit. The description is "Just a regular flashlight. It's lit up." [I lit up the flashlight to make things easier.] A document is in the Director's Office. The description is "[quotation mark]I have a feeling that someone here is sneaking into my office. If I find out who it is, they're fired.[quotation mark]" [Even though the document is described here, it still goes into the Director's Office. And the quotation mark tags allow the quotes to be passed into the description.]